Milk Magazine - the iphone app V.1

The Milk magazine iphone app finally released! With 3 major sections in the first shot: Hot News, Mix & match and On the go.
Designer's duties in this app project is to design direction & user interface. During the process in working with the project team, the most difficulty is to reduce the gap between the platform of print and digital. As Milk is from print, a totally different platform. Therefore, they have to understand and realize users would have different habit and experience for each platform. If the team want to do a better app, they(and I) should gain more experience and keep studying on this kind of platform.
Btw, This is the first nice try of Milk, from a print platform to a digital platform.

Here to download:

App's direction: Milk marketing team
Design diection & User interface: Woncherian Wong

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1 Response to Milk Magazine - the iphone app V.1

  1. Laucarmen says:

    Nice App! Nice Design!

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